Liberals seem to want the government to provide free health care, free food, a "free" salary to the unemployed, free homes, free birth control, or even free diapers. But is anything truly free? There are 2 unseen problems for getting stuff for "free".
1. Nothing is free. Everything has a cost associated to it. Someone is always paying. Those samples at Costco? Someone paid a worker to produce that sample, the food itself cost something, someone paid to ship it to Costco, and Costco is paying the employee to distribute it. Free health care? Someone has to pay the doctor's salary, and if no one repays the doctor for his work, then it comes out of the doctor's pocket. The doctor pays. Free salary to the unemployed? Where does the money come from? It may be free to someone, but it is costly for someone else.
2. Things that come from the government, don't actually come from the government. The government is simply an entity that survives on OUR tax dollars. They have absolutely no income except that which is given to them from its fruitful citizens. You may think that the government can print money, so it is free money. Does that sound right? If the government actually could print unlimited amounts of free money without a reciprocal affect, don't you think we would have already solved the problem of world hunger along with any other problem in our world? The truth is, every dollar that is printed makes everyone else's dollar less valuable. It's kind of like cutting a pizza. If you have a 16" pizza sliced into 8 pieces but there are 12 people, does cutting the pizza more and more make the pizza bigger?
Next time you hear someone say they think health care should be free for everyone, ask yourself, "but who would pay for it?"