Rick Santorum has a lot of problems when it comes to Economics. He has the most baggage in his voting record, or at least as much as Newt Gingrich. Rick Santorum has been an "active duty" politician for 16 years, first serving in the House of Representatives and then a Senator for Pennsylvania for 12 years straight. During this time, he cast a lot of votes. His voting record can be found here (via votesmart.org).
He made a few bad Economics votes, such as voting to raise the minimum wage which seems like a good thing for lower-income workers, but in fact has been proven to hurt more people than it helps by forcing employers to lay their workers off instead of increase their wage. Employers then either double the work load of the remaining workers, replace workers with wage-free machines, or produce things in China where they can pay remarkably low wages.
Rick Santorum voted for No Child Left Behind. There are arguments as to whether this program is successful or not, but regardless, it is bad policy. It has huge expenses and gives more power to the Department of Education. This federal department should not exist - it creates too much waste and inefficiencies. The responsibility to educate should lie with the States and local government. Let the states come up with their own programs, and let the people migrate to the state with the best program. Competition between the states will improve education while decreasing cost and inefficiencies.
Rick Santorum has voted to increase military spending every single time that he has had the chance, and he has voiced that he will continue to do so (to be fair, so has every other candidate but Ron Paul). But Rick seems to be the one who is most emotionally and religiously attached to protecting our allies and destroying our enemies. Emotion and religion should not play a part in defense spending and military action. Keep in mind, that defense spending is our 2nd largest budget item leading to our $15,300,000,000,000 debt.
Rick Santorum has increased the debt limit 5 times since he has been in office. The debt limit increases allow Congress to spend more and more and more and more. We need someone with the courage to vote against these debt increases, forcing us to default on our payments to our debtors, causing them to downgrade our credit, thus causing us to cut our welfare and military spending. Rick Santorum could not make this tough decision, so how can he make tougher decisions as President?
These are a few reasons why Rick will not win my vote.